
M. Sc. Berk Buharali

The attendance of the German School of Istanbul as a scientific high school, the study of engineering management at the RWTH Aachen, as well as the experience in the product management of innovative low-volume products in the B2B sector have laid the foundation for my strategic thinking.

Where do I see a challenge?

For me, the future belongs to innovative medium-sized enterprises. Often they have low-volume products (e.g., sensor technology) for which a business case decision is a challenge. For the preparation, the strategic thinker, e.g., a product manager, who has to substantiate the business idea with a strong argumentation and resilient figures as quickly as possible, has too little time for strategic approaches parallel to his daily business.

How can I support you in this situation?

Having experienced this challenge, too, I have developed a multilevel calculation approach that can apply to different industries. For the calculation of the market potential of your (business) idea, I analyze regional and global statistical data on a project-related basis to interpret them according to the specific customer value.

Why am I doing this?

As a product manager, I have always been fascinated by strategic topics. That’s another reason why it was important to me to develop an approach to one of the biggest hurdles. Since these form a small part of the operative daily routine, I decided to take this approach. Furthermore, I have seen that a lot of companies in a similar decision situation need an independent market study to verify their results. For industrial B2B products, there are often very expensive and general market studies that are of little use in a specific case.

What are your advantages?

  • Information from paid data sources will be the basis of your customized market study.
  • You have the chance to bring your technical know-how about customer value into the model.
  • We work closely together during the creation process so that you can get an update at any time.
  • As a result, you receive exactly the market potential of your (business) idea.