Market analysis

Calculation of the market potential of your products according to the specific customer value

Definition of the target market

  • Which products?
  • What are your target industries?
  • What are the main functions?
  • How do you define the customer value?
  • Where is your target market (countries / regions) ?

Determination of the specific market volume

  • Creation of a calculation model
  • Analysis of worldwide data & statistics
  • Calculation
  • Discussion about the results
  • Final presentation

The model based approach

The mulvariate model calculates your current and future market position.

Market model and research

  • Creation of your specific market model
  • Global data & statistics
  • Industry-specific forecasts

Your input

  • Product knowledge
  • Application knowledge
  • Market knowledge

Specific market-related factors

  • Regulations / certifications
  • Regional market presence
  • Local competition

Your market potential

  • Specific market volume of your products
  • Breakdown by region
  • Breakdown by industry

Your specific market volume

Based on the theoretically achievable market, we calculate the realistic market volume of your products.

Total Available Market

Total Available Market represents the theoretical market volume of your product if you are present with your offering as a single supplier worldwide for your target market. When calculating TAM, it is also assumed that the specific benefit of your product is fully accepted by your target group worldwide.

Serviceable Addressable Market

Serviceable Addressable Market represents the share of TAM that you can address in principle with your product. During the transition from TAM to SAM, the market segments (e.g. applications or regions) that you cannot serve with the specific benefit of your product are excluded.

Serviceable Obtainable Market

Serviceable Obtainable Market represents the share of SAM that you can realistically serve with your product. When moving from SAM to SOM, specific criteria such as your regional market presence and local competition are taken into account. The difference between your market position and SOM leads to the first recommendations for action.

Market analysis – Pricing

By the model-based approach you obtain your result within 5-7 days (all prices plus VAT).

Project 1


1 product

1 industry

1 application


Project 2


1 product

1 industry

1 application


Project 3


1 product

1 industry

2 applications
